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Market News - 20 Apr 2009

Monday, April 20, 2009

U.S. and European Market Roundup 

  • The DJIA up 5.90 points to 8,131.33 points.
  • U.S stocks rose on Friday with the Dow scoring its biggest six-week gain since July 1938, helped by a reassuring report on the mood of consumers and stabilization in General Electric and Citigroup's quarterly results.
  • European stocks advanced, capping their sixth straight week of gains after companies from Toshiba Corp to Citigroup Inc reported results that beat estimates.

 Macro and Corporate News 

  • AEON Credit Service (M) is confident it can maintain a double-digit growth in net profit this year as there continues to be strong interest in its credit card and easy payment products.
  • Petronas has signed an exploration and production sharing agreement with Oman to explore and sell natural gas there, strengthening its presence in Oman's O&G industry.


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